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Inspiration for Team Names

In Need of Team Name Ideas?

Inspiration for Team Names

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Finding the Right Team Names Can Be Tough- Let Us Help You!

Boost moral with fun team names that fit your team's style and personality! Win in style- design custom shirts and personalize them with team names to bring your team together. Get inspired by our list of team names to find the right look for your team.

How-To Invent Your Unique Team Name

  1. Think of your team dynamic- the members, what sport you're playing, why you're playing. Once you've identified this, think about how your team spirit connects to the message you want to send on the field.
  2. Think of the topic of your team name- do you want it to be sports focused, funny, cool, clever? (or all of the above!).
  3. Add a catchy adjective, base your name on a pun or pair a mascot with a color or location.
  4. Last Step Pro-Tip: Make sure your team names are to the point, unique and memorable, would pair with a great team logo and most importantly, that everyone on your team loves it!

Inspiration for Team Names By Category

Funny Team Name Ideas

Gone with the Win

Goal Diggers

We got the Runs

Sons of Pitches

Win or Booze

Fast but not so Furious

Pitch Please

All Sets Are Off

Not Fast, Just Furious

Cool Team Name Ideas

Homerun Hitters

Mudder Runners

Flighty Ducks

Home Runners

The Hot Shots

Big Net Worth

Planet Volleywood

Goal Getters

Elite Cleats

Clever Team Name Ideas

Here for the Exercise

The Benchwarmer Boys

Won Direction

Smells Like Team Spirit

Team Redundant Team

Triple By Pass

Here Comes the Run

Back That Pass Up

Miracle Workers

What Next? Customize Your Gear with Team Names!

Utilize team features to easily design custom apparel with your team names, player names and player numbers on them. The more you spend, the more you save: design team apparel and receive group discounts that increase with your order size. For more information about our discount schema, please visit our FAQ. Scroll down to learn more about team features and how to design your team apparel.

Free Graphics Service for Teams

Found the right team name but need the right design? Our graphics service, free for orders of 5 items or more, is ideal for bringing sketches to life, cropping photo backgrounds (to just print what's important) and vectorizing graphics files. We'll have you ready for game day with all the right gear in a few, simple steps. To submit a graphics service request, click the button below.

Digitize Logos & Sketches


Cropping Designs

How-To Create Custom Team Apparel

  1. Click on the "Create Now" button to select your item(s) & color(s).
  2. Then click the "Create now" button on the product page to launch the design wizard.
  3. Upload your logo or choose a design from our gallery.
  4. Option to add text (i.e. motto, team names, player names or numbers).
  5. Done! A suitable print method will be automatically selected.

Terrific customer service

Terrific customer service, speedy delivery and exactly what I wanted!


Great, Affordable, and Quick

Really Cheap. Really good quality. Really fast delivery. Really simple to order. Everything was perfect!

Allison Coedden

Excellent customer service

Excellent customer service, very knowledgable about the products, they are kind, accessable and very helpful. I would highly recomend this company for all your printing needs!

Moshe Levy

Shirts came out perfectly

Shirts came out perfectly! Shipping was awesome considering I needed them so last minute

Kasey Ficken

The sweat shirt is supposed to be heavy…

The sweat shirt is supposed to be heavy duty and paid more for them and they are light weight or average thickness not heavy



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